About Us

About Us
A Space For Men To Connect, To Explore, To Share And To Simply Be
Being a man is a formative work of learning, unlearning and relearning through our highs and lows, our failures and successes, our joys and pains.
A Community Of Intentional Growth Through A Life Of Purpose, Leadership And Influence
Through our monthly meetings, quarterly leadership workshops and yearly seminars, we fill our bellies with great quality meal, share our hearts, engage in meaningful discussions and explore evidence based resources that are helpful, practical and applicable in both personal and professional settings.
As men, we want to be intentionally preparing for growth, otherwise we will unintentionally be preparing for decline. We desire to encourage men to DREAM more, to DO more and BE more.
Our Vision
GQM aims to be a community of men from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds, forging relationships and united in our commitment to personal growth and professional development. P.S. We like to eat, laugh a lot and explore together