GQM Seminar

It all sparked with group of men in an apartment, beers in hand, pizza on the table, sharing a moment of camaraderie. From the apartment to the Ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel to allow for more men to participate in the discussion, share their experiences and be resourced for personal, professional, and leadership growth.

2022 Seminar


2023 Seminar


 2024 Seminar

Exploring those grey areas consequential decisions that impacts our personal life and professional development.

Some decisions are so simple you are barely aware you are making them.

Other decisions, you have your moral compass to guide you in choosing between right and wrong, good and bad.

And you also have the laws of the land to guide you in lawful and unlawful matters.

But what happens if the decision falls into the grey category?

Right person wrong time. Should I stay or should I go? What job to take? Whom to marry!

How do one make the right choices where there are no clear moral or state laws telling you explicitly what to do?